Bread and Water for Africa® Celebrates Decades of Successes; Yet Much Remains to Be Done for Children of Africa

For all the natural beauty and wonders of sub-Saharan Africa, sadly the majestic continent is plagued by illness and preventable death, hunger and malnutrition, a devastating lack of clean water, a generation of children and youth whose dream of attending school is unrealized…the list goes on.

But despite it all, hope remains.

For 36 years, Bread and Water for Africa® has been there: supporting clinics and hospitals that provide the only free care available to impoverished children and mothers; funding agricultural entrepreneurship programs for youth and women to learn to grow more than just bare subsistence for themselves and their families; digging wells and drilling boreholes that offer an oasis of clean water in villages where taking a drink from a local source risks sickness and even death; and more.

Right now, children throughout the sub-Saharan Africa countries where we work – Cameroon, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe and elsewhere – millions of children are barely surviving, much less thriving, against incredibly harsh living conditions, only made worse in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Among the programs and projects we are supporting right now, and throughout the coming year, include

*Preventing illness and saving lives by shipping medicines, medical supplies and equipment to clinics and hospitals which provide free medical care for the impoverished

*Preventing illness and saving lives by digging wells and drilling boreholes deep into the aquifer to provide safe, clean water for drinking, cooking, bathing and washing for tens of thousands each year

*Supporting children’s homes for the countries’ most vulnerable residents – orphaned and abandoned children who would be fending for themselves on the streets for their very lives

*Providing an education for hundreds annually through our school fees program which enables bright and determine children and youth to realize their dream of attending school and building a better life for themselves in adulthood

*Supporting agricultural and vocational training programs to help youth and young adults gain the knowledge they need to grow and expand their gardening operation to feed and themselves and their families

Bread and Water for Africa® has been working in sub-Saharan Africa for decades with many successes and long-term accomplishments, with yet much more still to be done – that can only be done in cooperation with our grassroots partners who operate clinics and schools, and, of course, our compassionate and generous supporters who make it all possible.

olivia Thompson