Prenatal Micronutrient Vitamins from Bread and Water for Africa® Saving Lives of Expectant Mothers in Cameroon

According to the Gates Foundation, nearly 500,000 lives could be saved by 2040 if low- and middle-income countries adopted Multiple Micronutrient Supplements, the world’s most complete prenatal vitamins.

“So now we’re trying to make sure every pregnant woman in Africa, where diets don’t give them enough of these vitamins, that they have access,” said Bill Gates on CBS Mornings on September 23, 2024.

At Bread and Water for Africa®, we wholeheartedly agree and actually have been doing just that for the past few years to help ensure expectant women in Cameroon remain healthy throughout their pregnancy.

Notably, in 2024, BWA focused on reducing high maternal and child mortality rates by providing prenatal supplies to pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. Due to limited access to nutrient-rich foods, many women in sub-Saharan Africa suffer from deficiencies in essential vitamins and minerals, such as iron, folic acid, and calcium. Prenatal supplements help address these deficiencies, reducing the risk of complications like anemia, neural tube defects, and preeclampsia. By addressing micronutrient deficiencies, reducing the risks associated with pregnancy and childbirth, and supporting long-term health, these supplements are essential to public health strategies to reduce maternal and infant mortality rates in the region.

In fact, in the fall of 2021 we shipped 15,930 pounds of multiple micronutrient supplements to our partner in the country, the Hope International Foundation (HIF) which operates a hospital in Douala (a project sponsored by Bread and Water for Africa®).

Then in May 2024, we reported that following a previous shipment by Bread and Water for Africa® of micronutrient vitamins, provided by our long-term partner here in the U.S., MAP International, HIF founder, and director Esther Ndichafah reported that over ten thousand women throughout seven regions of the country, ) who were treated a more than 40 health facilities received the supplements.

And the best news of all?

Esther reported “100 percent safe deliveries for all women who effectively used the micronutrient supplement for prenatal.”

And this July we expanded our micronutrient shipment program to Ethiopia where the situation is especially dire so we once again worked with MAP International to ship 129,600 bottles of prenatal vitamins – totaling more than 23 million tablets benefiting 27,000 individuals – to our longtime partner there, Haramaya University, a top university system which operates an extensive network of clinics and hospitals throughout the country which provides free or extremely low-cost healthcare services for thousands of indigent children, mothers and families. Haramaya University, through its Community Outreach Program, is distributing the vitamins to several hospitals and health centers in the Haraghe region.

Regarding the most recent shipment to Cameroon, Esther wrote in August thanking MAP International and the supporters of Bread and Water for Africa® “for your extraordinary prenatal donation.

“Your contribution is a beacon of hope for countless expectant mothers and their families in our community, ensuring they receive the vital care and support needed during such a critical time.

“Your generosity has not only saved lives but also empowered these women and families, giving them the strength and resources to face the future with confidence. This is a direct result of your compassion and support.”

 Among the beneficiaries is Joaddan, a 27-year-old hairdresser with two children who had attended the antenatal clinic offered by HIF. While expecting her third child, Esther told us she visited the clinic for her routine checkup and was given multiple micronutrient supplements along with other medications.

“She complained from the start of her visit of fatigue, little or no interest in food, and due to her poor eating habits she had lost some weight,” reported Esther. “She was encouraged by the HIF nurses to take the supplement faithfully.

“She did as advised, taking her supplements daily and later she testified that her appetite had increased and she started eat a lot more and gaining back her weight.”

And this from Joaddan herself seven months into her pregnancy:

“From the time I started taking the supplements, I now eat so much like a pig to the extent that my husband told me jokingly that I could finish all the food in the house.

“So now I encourage all pregnant women to take this supplement faithfully as instructed.

“I want to thank you for this special gift to pregnant women in Cameroon.”